for all you college students out there who are frustrated with high priced textbooks and long lines at the bookstore, you've come to the right place!
I've just discovered a website called where they will rent textbooks for 60% of the retail price. It essentially works like a library, but instead of library cards you use money. First you find the needed textbook, rent it at the specified price and once finished, you may return it. They will send you a prepaid return shipping. Also for every textbook that you rent, they plant a tree. So not only are they helping students save money, but they are also helping the Earth.
So, please check out the service. It's a really great idea and I really enjoy it.
P.S were also the innovators of the edible textbook... so next time you are feeling hungry just take a bite out of your textbook!
The Oakland Urban Wine Trail
8 years ago