May 26, 2009

dear time,

i sorely dislike you.

< /3 k
dear k,

if you take the moment to realize that you would have more time available if you stopped writing blog posts, you will find that 24 hours in a day is more than enough time to get your shit done.

dear time,

if you could please give me a couple more hours in this 24 hour day, i would greatly appreciate it.


goal diagram:

May 21, 2009

check list for a bad situation:

[x] you are lactose intolerant
[x] you decided to eat clam chowder for dinner the night before a midterm
[x] you come home to find that your roommate clogged the toilet
[x] you have no plunger
[x] your roommate leaves a note on your laptop saying that she had to go to class
[x] you don't know anyone around your apartment complex that would let you use their bathroom...

this is going to be a long night.

May 19, 2009

i've decided that i'm going to go on an all green ice cream diet this summer.

May 17, 2009

it is may 17, 2009 and its 11:19pm on a sunday night, and i wish it was may 15, 2009 on a friday evening.

i watched star trek yesterday. i thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and I have decided that i most especially like fair haired Pavel Chekov. its the accent that makes me go weak in the knees for the boy genius!
today i accidentally inhaled spicy salad dressing into my nose. this was not fun as the burning sensation lingered like wasabi in my nostrils.

May 13, 2009

one more thing

i wish i was ambidextrous that way i could have multiple hands to get me through the day! i have two hands, but many times i find my left hand is inactive due to its lack of coordination...for instance while i was doing my geology homework today, i was thinking that if i was ambidextrous, I could write my geology notes and brush my teeth at the same time!

(promise this is the last thing of the night- maybe.)

May 12, 2009

i decided all i want to do this summer is play video games, read, sleep, play sports- rinse and repeat.
today, i stole toliet paper at PCV. they were giving it out like candy!

May 11, 2009

May 10, 2009

The other day, I ran into my fraternity, APO. They were in the process of family revealing (there are three families: Alpha, Phi, and Omega- I was part of Omega). This quarter, we decided to have the pledges dance to find out which family they were in. They each had to dance in front of the family and if the family replicated their dance they belonged to that family. If they did not, then they had to continue dancing until one of the families accepted them.

There was a boy named Maddox who unlike his pledge brothers and sisters could not dance very well, but made up for it in the most creative way... by lap dancing. He first danced on Vann's lap, who quickly shrugged him off. He then proceeded to do this very sexy dance for the next family, Phi. They also shooed him away. At this time, I was talking with Big N, laughing at this pledgee who looked embarrassed and confused as he approached my family. We were all egging KTurtle to represent our family. AND THEN OUT OF NO WHERE, he runs at me jutting, twisting, bouncing, and i hear a faint, " you're so beautifullll" in the background. I, in my classy self, screamed, ran, and pushed Big N into the line of fire, who then proceeded to drag me back to the laughing crowd.

chubby bunny told me that was the fastest he has ever seen me run.

oh little pledges you think you're so clever and funny!

this photo has nothing to do with the above story. BUT IT IS CUTE. so it deserves its place.
katpedia likes this!
santiago calatrava
alamillo bridge

architects do not create buildings and structures for the future, they create tombstones of the present. they immortalize history into a physical form. they are the spoken wills of those dying today.

today, i want to create my tombstone.

May 4, 2009

May 3, 2009

likes: kashi cereal, vanilla yogurt, strawberries, single bedrooms, and warm laundry

dislikes: mustaches, boys, and boys with mustaches

unrelated: there should be such a thing called memory taste
midnight: BK and i decided to have a little arts and crafts fun. With a stolen eyeliner pencil, we drew on each other's faces, squirming and giggling and in some cases crying. I transformed BK into my greatest masterpiece: a japanese boy with spiky eyelashes, a french mustache and goatee with a marylin monroe beauty mole. I on the other hand was a stuttering, aging old mess- with premature wrinkles inhabiting my forehead, an outrageous mustache, an attractive butt chin and eye bags that fell to the bottoms of my very round cheeks. After satisfying ourselves in a drunken laughter, we decided to attack e with whiskers, tears, and a unibrow. Oh what a trio we were!

May 2, 2009

one saturday evening, BK and e decided they wanted to see the world. They toppled themselves over the white pillowed bed and through google maps, they watched new york vendors, told stories of the french women smokers by the Effiel Tower, and swam in Michigan Lake. They laughed and created memories in Rainbow Blvd, played skip on Penny Lane, and sang in the rain in Seattle, Oregon.

pass the cherrioes, please! and let's go to Greece. she says

nestling themselves like children, they spent the night exploring the world covered in bedsheets and warm smiles.

May 1, 2009

happy springtime

in the midst of springtime rain, i found myself in front of trader joes smelling the pretty yellow fressias, and i thought what a wonderful way to spend a somber friday.

Oh may day, if you could only come more than once a year how happy we'd all be!